HomeCalendarLiturgy & Ignatian Spirituality | September 05, 2023

Liturgy & Ignatian Spirituality

Mass & Ignatian Reflections in September


Past Event

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 from 8:00am - 8:30am
Tuesday, September 26, 2023 from 8:00am - 8:30am

Liturgy & Ignatian Spirituality

On Tuesdays, the Jesuit Retreat Center offers Mass followed by a brief reflection on Ignatian Spirituality.

Ignatius of Loyola states in the Spiritual Exercises that Jesus “instituted the most holy sacrifice of the Eucharist as the greatest sign of his love” (No. 289). In addition, the term “spiritual exercises” denotes every way of examining one’s conscience, of meditating, contemplating, of praying, and other spiritual activities so that one may seek and find the divine will in regard to the disposition of one’s life for the salvation of the soul (Ivens 1).

A variety of priests will preside at Mass, and a variety of Ignatian trained people will present the Ignatian reflection. The Ignatian reflection will develop your prayer life, offer practical tips for daily contemplation, and deepen your understanding of Ignatian spirituality. Often, coffee and pastries are available afterwards for conversation and deepening our JRC faith community.

Location: Main Chapel of the Jesuit Retreat Center

If you have any questions, please email or contact Fr. Paul O’Connor, SJ at poconnor@jesuitretreatcenter.org


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