HomeCalendarA Day of Prayer | May 30, 2024

A Day of Prayer

On the Sacred Heart of Jesus

No Spots Remaining


Past Event

Thursday, May 30, 2024 from 10:00am - 3:00pm

A Day of Prayer

Registration is now closed.

A day of prayer on the Sacred Heart of Jesus, its scriptural origins, historical development, and spiritual significance for ourselves, for today’s church, and for the world.

The day includes lunch at Noon and Mass at 2:15pm.

Fr. Bernie Owens is an experienced, much appreciated speaker and leader of retreats for both men and women. He has authored two books on Christian spirituality, taught high school boys and graduate and undergraduate university students, and was a recent missionary to Kenya, Eastern Africa. He speaks to those situations where his audience is living out the challenge of their spiritual lives, where they are experiencing their hopes, joys, and the cross of Jesus.


Fr. Bernie Owens, SJ


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