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HomeCalendarContemplative Stations of the Cross | April 02, 2023

Contemplative Stations of the Cross


Past Event

Sunday, April 2, 2023 from 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Contemplative Stations of the Cross

As we enter into Holy Week, join us at the Jesuit Retreat Center for a Contemplative Stations of the Cross. Through Ignatian Imaginative prayer, reflective readings, quiet music, and time for contemplation, we will spend the evening reliving the final day and hours of Jesus’s passion.

The Stations of the Cross are an ancient tradition in the Church, dating from the Middle Ages as a way to imagine the Via Dolorosa, the way that Jesus walked to his death in Jerusalem. Franciscan in origin, the Stations developed in Europe when it was not possible for pilgrims to journey safely to the Holy Land. While the Stations have long been popular with Catholic Christians, the practice is now popular among a variety of Christian church communities.

Each Good Friday, the Pope celebrates the Stations of the Cross in the Colosseum in Rome. We will create a beautiful and meditative environment in the main chapel at the Jesuit Retreat Center.


Bill Hobbs

Margaret Mach, SC



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