Let Go and Let God
No Spots Remaining
Past Event
Monday, January 15, 2:00pm - Thursday, January 18, 2024 1:00pm
This retreat offers 4 days of prayer, meditation, daily Mass, discussion and relaxation along with powerful presentations.
Most of us are facing challenges that require letting go of something and we need to rely on special graces to let go according to God’s will. How do we determine His will? How do we let go unselfishly?
Guest speakers include:
Sr. Pat Kozak, CSJ, a recognized national consultant on faith and church issues.
Cathy Knittel, a retired high school theology teacher who spoke last year and is returning to speak this year because many of you requested her.
Miguel Chavez, Vice-President of Mission and Ministry for the Sisters of Charity Health System in Cleveland.
Our witness speaker will be Julie Schumaker, one of our own retreatants for several years, who will speak on behalf of the amazing organization she has started for Ukrainian refugees in Michigan. Julie’s efforts are a direct result of making this January retreat!
Cost includes meals, room, material, a wonderful atmosphere of friendship, and of course, God’s presence!
Financial aid is available through the JRC Arrupe Fund. All participants will be required to pay the minimum deposit of $25 to attend the event. See below to apply, then check your email to complete your application.
*Registration ends January 8, 2024.
"In the Leaving"
In the leaving
in the letting go,
let there be this
to hold on to
at the last.
the enduring of love
the persisting of hope,
the remembering of joy,
the offering of gratitude, the receiving of grace,
the blessing of peace.
---Joy Richardson
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