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HomeCalendarContemplate God's Love & Mercy: A Fig Tree, Two Sons and a Stone | March 21, 2025

Contemplate God's Love & Mercy: A Fig Tree, Two Sons and a Stone


Friday, March 21, 4:00pm - Sunday, March 23, 2025 11:30am

Contemplate God's Love & Mercy: A Fig Tree, Two Sons and a Stone

Nourish your spiritual soil this Lent!

Lent is a perfect time to participate in a retreat experience. If the soil of your spiritual life needs a little attention, we have a retreat experience for you: Contemplate God's Love & Mercy: A Fig Tree, Two Sons and a Stone will draw upon the Lenten Scriptures from Luke's & John's Gospel. Jesus presents three parables, recounted in this sacred time of Lent, about a fig tree, the prodigal father and his two sons and lastly, the mercy shown to a woman caught in adultery.

Contemplate the Love & Mercy of God by reflecting upon the Parable of the Fig Tree, the Parable of the Prodigal Father and his two sons, and the Parable of a Stone.

This program is co-sponsored by the Catholic Communities of Avon, Avon Lake, and Bay Village.

If you will be seeking financial assistance, please register using the $25 option. Once you have registered, a link will be provided at the bottom of your email receipt to apply for a scholarship.



Registration in Full (Overnight)

($100 non-refundable, non-transferable)


Sex (Male/Female) *
Dietary Needs

Deposit (Overnight)

(non-refundable, non-transferable)


Sex (Male/Female) *
Dietary Needs

Registration in Full (Commuter)

($100 non-refundable, non-transferable)


Sex (Male/Female) *
Dietary Needs

Deposit (Commuter)

(non-refundable, non-transferable)


Sex (Male/Female) *
Dietary Needs

Registration Minimum

(for those seeking Financial Assistance)


Sex (Male/Female) *
Dietary Needs

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