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HomeCalendarApril Pre-Cana Day for Engaged Couples | April 06, 2025

April Pre-Cana Day for Engaged Couples


Sunday, April 6, 2025 from 12:30pm - 6:30pm

April Pre-Cana Day for Engaged Couples

The festivity and emotion of your wedding day is a wonderful time in your life that you will never forget - but maintaining a sacramental union is hard work and must be your first priority for the rest of your life. The beauty and serenity of Jesuit Retreat Center is the ideal place to spend the day with your soon-to-be spouse.

Topics to be covered—by a variety of married couples / presenters—include (a) Communications, (b) Challenges of Everyday Living, (c) Sex & Sexuality, (d) Natural Family Planning (NFP), and (e) Love, Marriage, & Money (managing finances).

The day will include prayer, Mass / Liturgy, learning how to pray as a couple, discussion questions, time for couple sharing (a key part of the day), free time to explore our 57 acres of beautiful walking trails, snacks and beverages, and time to develop listening and understanding skills. Dress is casual.

Pre-Cana days fill quickly, please register early.



Cost per couple

(non-refundable, non-transferable)


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