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February 2014

Posted February 01, 2014 in Lay Leadership

A Word from the Director

Pope Francis, in his Apostolic Exhortation, reminds us that we have been “entrusted with a treasure” as we bring the Gospel Good News to the people we serve. Here is a sampling of where we are called this month:

Praying with St. Ignatius, Parish Retreat. On January 16th , retreat leaders gathered to begin preparations for our Lenten 8- week retreats. The retreat at St. Basil the Great, Brecksville will begin on March 4th and the retreat with the parents of the elementary school children at Lakewood Catholic Academy will begin on March 6th . This month of February is a time of preparation for these retreats.

The Pilgrim Way of Ignatius Loyola. This month begins a fourpart monthly series which will be offered at St. Angela Merici Parish, Fairview Park. The program addresses the question, “Why is the spirituality of Ignatius and his Spiritual Exercises so popular today?” Retreat Team members include: Martha Campbell and Ignatian Spirituality Institute graduates Rich Jerdonek, Amy McKenna, Sue Palmer and Valierie Stultz. Joan Nuth, Director of the Ignatian Spirituality Institute, has been a consultant on this program. To begin the series, Rich Jerdonek will focus his reflections on the question, “What happens when you encounter Christ?” He will include not only reflections on Ignatius’s experience of Christ but his own.

Food for the Journey. Last month, 21 leaders braved frigid temperatures to participate in this program designed to support ministry reflection and personal spiritual deepening. The series will continue this month as several new participants our reflection on the process of conversion in the Life of Francis of Assisi. In addition, participants will observe God’s unique way of engaging the transformative process of conversion in the life of Ignatius Loylola and each participant’s experience as well.

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