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December 2016

Posted December 01, 2016 in Lay Leadership

A Word from the Director

As we begin a new liturgical year with the season of Advent we are encouraged to engage the “work of Advent” by giving birth to what is of God within us as did Mary of Nazareth. Wendy Wright offers us a way to engage this Advent practice (See “Something to Ponder,” page 2 of this newsletter). Witness how we are presently offering witness to this call:

Praying with St. Ignatius Retreats. The retreats at Holy Trinity, Avon and St. Dominic, Shaker Heights parishes concluded in November. Members of the two retreat teams that served at these parishes came together on November 29th to share stories of their experiences and to review “best practices.” Pictured below are the team members:

Nurturing the Call. On November 15th, Sister Peggy Duffy, OSU concluded this 4-part program which began in September. 17 participants (all leaders of the Praying with St. Ignatius or the Spirituality Program for Adults Retreats) gathered to hone their skills in leading Gospel-based Ignatian prayer forms. Beginning on Thursday, February 9th, a team of six leaders including Margaret Balewski, Joan Carney, Jeannie and Patrick Cleary-Burns, Debbie Dacone and Liz Nau will begin a 5-part program, “Cultivaing Effective Leadership Skills,” which will be offered to Leaders/Facilitators of Praying with St. Ignatius and the St. Ignatius & Walsh Spirituality Program for Adults. Martha Campbell and Janet Lehane are co-organizers of this program. If you are a leader for one of these retreats, watch for an invitation to participate!

Food for the Journey. On December 17th, we conclude the 3- part book reflection series based on John O’Donohue’s Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom. Beginning in January, we will focus our reflection on Ignatius Loyola the Mystic by Harvey D. Egan, S.J. This book reflection group is open to spiritual directors, retreat leaders, pastoral ministers and those who have made the full Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. Details for the program beginning in January are on page 2.

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