
These are the most commonly asked questions about the Jesuits and Ignatian spirituality.

What is Ignatian Spirituality?

Spirituality is a unified world view and way of life. Christian Spirituality is believing and acting in accord with God’s self-revelation in Christ. There are many ways of doing this, all faithful to the Gospels, but historically, psychologically, and culturally distinct.

Ignatian Spirituality is rooted in the life and experience of St. Ignatius Loyola. Ignatius’ book of the Spiritual Exercises, arising from his personal... Show More

Who are the Jesuits?

When they had finished their studies Ignatius and his companions decided to offer themselves to the Pope for whatever ministry he wished. They discerned that God was calling them to form a new religious order, the Society of Jesus. Rather than committing themselves to a single work and specific religious practices, they chose to keep themselves available to be sent, on a moment’s notice, to any part of the world where the need was the... Show More

What are the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius?

The Spiritual Exercises

Ignatius wanted to share with other people the fruits of his experience of God, and made notes for himself to help him do this. Those notes grew into a small book of directions called The Spiritual Exercises. It was intended to help the person who directed another in a structured thirty-day program of contemplation and prayer rather than for use by the person being... Show More

Who is St. Ignatius of Loyola?

St. Ignatius was born in the Basque area of Spain in 1491. In his early life he pursued a worldly career as a courtier and soldier. At the age of 30 he was struck down by a cannon ball in the battle of Pamplona.

During a year of recuperation he had no books to read except a life of Christ and lives of the saints. He daydreamed about being a heroic soldier and about serving God, and noticed that while both dreams were sweet, the... Show More

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